Founder: Hari Winarso
Levels 1
Symbol Yes
Mudra No
Many Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students know black rice is powerful in tantra culture for use in rituals and this energy Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students Magickal Force Of Black Rice has a powerful energy for exorcism. OVERCOME and remove negative spirits, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students AND the unwanted energies that are attached to them. Some Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students say it assists with djinn=genie, demons, and other forms of dark-forces around them and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students have also used this energy for enviroments, and to exorcise dark spells and
Magickal Force Of Black Rice Attunement: Exorcism Assist, Negativity Removal
60,00$ Szokásos ár
49,00$Akciós ár