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Essential Emerald Force Attunement: Heal Emotions

2019, Essential Emerald Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: Use to Heal, Cleanse, Align, Balance - Stimuate Mental Clarity - Revitalize Emotions


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Master Hari Winarso courses since 2010. We received energies purely, with integrity, and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari and we deliver to you via Eternal Sacred Source.


25 February 2019

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1



Our friend Master Hari writes that Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can use his Essential Emerald Force to bring a higher multidimensional healing energy. You can use this force for healing, cleansing, aligning and balancing the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. Master Hari writes his Essential Emerald Force is helpful to release the negative energy from your energetic bodies and protects your energetic bodies from any negative influences of the physical world, then transform the negativities into positive. Master Hari says it can help to calm and revitalizes your emotions. And may also works on your mind and mental level by clearing your mind from negative patterns and stimulate your mental clarity.


Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

Essential Emerald Force Attunement: Heal Emotions

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