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Ultimate Healing Force, digital pdf: A more comprehensive healing ability

Ultimate Healing Force, digital e-manual: Comprehensive healing ability use in efforts on plants, people, situations, Mother Earth and MORE!


7 March 2018

Founder Hari Winarso



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments dear friend Master Hari Winarso brought forth this modality to Ultimate Healing Force Empowerment was channeled and created to bring Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients a comprehensive healing ability. Master Hari writes you can use the Ultimate Healing Force to assist you in your efforts to heal objects, people (yourself and others), animals, plants, locations and environments, and sending healing for the Earth. Master Hari says Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients  can also use the Ultimate Healing Force to restore a reduced condition to get back to an optimal condition, such as restoring low-immunity to optimum immunity, restore the fluidity of movement, restore family harmony, etc.

In addition to healing and restoration, Ultimate Healing Force may also potentially assist with helping objects or conditions becoming stronger in the process writes Hari. Content protected and cut and paste web tracked by

Includes the digital pdf English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement

Ultimate Healing Force, digital pdf: A more comprehensive healing ability

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