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Magickal Force of Midbrain Attunement: Psychic Vision & Communications

Magickal Force of Midbrain, digital pdf manual by Hari Winarso: Strengthen Intuition, awaken psychic visions, bring increase in spiritual gifts & more

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients who work with Master Hari Winarso's intuition and brain enhancement systems will appreciate the high energy of Magickal Force of Midbrain, as our friend Master Hari writes in his manual this energy will help your intuition to grow stronger, and awaken your psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities. It supports you to strengthen and bring through increased spiritual gifts and aids your psychic communication abilities.

It is also assists your meditation and accelerate your spiritual practices to expand your consciousness and increases your awareness to the higher levels.Magickal Force of Midbrain with use can boost and maximize the brains functions. Master Hari writes in his manual that it will increase intelligence, bring improvement to memory, focus and concentration. It assists the ability to think sharp, absorb information with ease and learn anything faster -- So it will boost academic performance, and in your daily life you can easily to understand and solve the most difficult problems. 


Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement service




Magickal Force of Midbrain Attunement: Psychic Vision & Communications


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