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Sacred Bones Elixir Attunement: Bone Care, Bone Health, Bone Repair

Founder: KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller:

As the Accredited Teacher under Master Hari for over 14 years, we offer in this listing the authentic energy transmission directly received from him. Our commitment ensures that you receive the intended benefits while upholding the highest standards of spiritual integrity—straight from the source. The content remains unadulterated and is found exclusively in the original manual infused by Master Hari himself. 




This is another Bone Modality by Founder KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro, featuring similar properties to other bone systems but delivered with a different energy source. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students may be drawn to all or one in particular.Our friend Master Hari explains that the Sacred Bones Elixir was crafted for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students utilize it to support bone health and enhance their body's absorption of life force, facilitating optimal and expedited bone regeneration.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students may find the healing properties aid in alleviating discomfort and reducing inflammation in arthritic joints and more you will find in the manual.


Included with purchase is the original English translation digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

Sacred Bones Elixir Attunement: Bone Care, Bone Health, Bone Repair

  • The buy one get one free and glad gifts are available ONLY to eligible members who are clients and students. Gift must be 1 selection of equal or lesser value and eligible as a buy one get one offering. Teachers, Healing Professionals, Energy Therapists, Coaches Energy Session Providers, Facebook/Etsy or Sellers are not eligible for gifts and may purchase as a stand alone system purchase.


    NOTE: At checkout student members when prompted, please list your gift selection. All other members list "does not apply".

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