Founder: Ole Gabrielsen
Attunements 8 (Must be your main selection, not a gift)
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Students, God Oden says we are here to guide you, to show you your life’s path and mission. With us, you will gain strength, personal power, knowledge and be shown the wisdom that you carry inside of you... Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, in these times strength and courage are the most important features that you should cherish as a human being and more!
This package contains 8 powerful Norse Gods Attunements! All Energies included:
The Gods and Goddesses
- Odin is invoked for wisdom, magic & communicationcosmicgoddess
- Thor is invoked for protection, strengthcosmicgoddess
- Tyr is invoked for Discipline, structure, order & justice
- Freyr is invoked for male fertility, prosperity, peace & wealth
- Freya is invoked for female fertility, love, beauty
- Frigga is invoked for home, nurturing, family, childbirth
- Eir is invoked for health, healingcosmicgoddessempowerments
- Idun is invoked for longevity & healthcosmicgoddessempowerments
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community you will receive powerful and life-changing channeled messages from each of the Norse Gods and Goddesses! Comes with instructions on how to pass on the attunements, send distance healing, hands-on healing, charging oils, and jewelry.
Included with your Cosmic Goddess Empowerments purchase:
The original PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life/chi ball higher self intention method attunement