Founder: Master Hari Andri Winarso
Accredited Reseller:
Being the original accredited reseller since 2010 and the accredited reseller of this offering ensures Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students authenticity and integrity of energy direct from Master Hari. This precaution is necessary due to unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, which includes counterfeit copies, unauthorized translations, or materials that have been copied from our webstore.
Levels 2
- Reiki Level 2
- Current Year Registered Student Only Members
About the Original 13 Crystal Skull System Bundle:
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments paraphrases:
Believed to possess mystical powers, many Cosmic Goddess Empowerments student know the 13 Crystal skulls have been linked to everything from the lost civilization of Atlantis to enabling glimpses into the past, present, and future. The 13 Crystal Skulls, discovered across Mexico, Central and South America, have sparked fascination akin to ancient wonders like the Nazca Lines and Stonehenge. Estimated to be thousands of years old, these skulls are surrounded by mystery and legend.
Bundle Includes the Original and the Booster Upgrade:
About the Crystal Skulls System:
13 Crystal Skulls Attunement aligns Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students with the powerful energy of these skulls, for enhancing healing abilities, cleansing and enhancing 3rd Eye Chakra, and offering various other benefits, albeit with potential sensations during the attunement process using a specialized symbol in the original.
With purchase you'll receive 2 distant attunement servie via chi ball / orb of life method and 1 digital English translation e-manual containing both the Original and Booster sent electronically by link
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