Founder Hari Winarso
Levels 1
Mantra/Prayer 1 - English
- Current year registered student member
- Prior attunement service with us
Only 3 people or less have been attuned direct by Master Winarso directly worldwide to this Javanese magical system which reflects his belief system in Indonesia. This type of attunement is not for everyone, please ask any questions prior to purchase.
Cahaya Bintang Ilahi has a meaning as "The Light Of Divine Star". This is a Javanese energy system reflecting the belief system of Master Hari and the Javanese, it is not for all!!
It is a special power for improving your life and to neutralize any negative energies. It helps to attain success and manifest desires; realize the fulfillment of ambitions and aspirations easily and fabulous.
Whatever your desire you may submit your appeal to the Cosmic Intelligence through a simple prayer and ritual in the night. This helps you to possess magickal energies and to attune yourself with the Universal Cosmic Intelligence making your prayers much more effective.
Included is orb of life attunement and digital English translation PDF