Levels 2 Practitioner and MasterLevel of Difficulty: Higher
Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Mastership
Symbols? 7 in each level
Blue Star Celestial Energy enhances the growth, evolution, and spiritual development of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, offering vital protection against mental disintegration during inter-time travel. It is available in two levels, catering to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who are healers and on a ascension path, with the second level empowering Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who are Usui Masters to teach and transmit energies. Rooted in Pleiadian wisdom, Blue Star requires an open mind and resonates with seekers of universal truths. Its channeled symbols facilitate galactic and spiritual healing in the 5th dimension, promoting planetary balance. Level 2 mandates Usui Master training, preparing Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students for intensive coursework and elevating their vibrational frequency permanently across lifetimes, ensuring clarity and spiritual resilience during dimensional exploration.
Includes:Orb of Life Attunements and the English digital e-manual sent electronically and orb of life attunement
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