Angels of Ceres, digital pdf by Brigitt: MARRIAGE, Animal and Children Healing, Protection of Women, Expansion, Diplomacy & more
Founder: Maria Joao Sereno (Brigitt)
Levels 1
Symbol? Yes
Ceres is very interested by the great principle of unconditional love. They are the Angels of the Great Mother. They support the principles of sharing and care, working with the energy of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine.
These Angels can help with (Gifts):
- Fertility
- Abundance
- Sharing
- Unconditional Love
- Universal acceptance
- Diplomacy
- Healing of children and animals
- Protection of women
- Find lost children and animals
- Marriage
- Humanitarianism
- Crop protection
- Expansion and fruiting
Included with purchase is the original digital PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball distant attunement service
Angels of Ceres, digital PDF: Marriage, Protection of Women, Animals & Children