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High Ili-ahi Energy, digital PDF by Hari Winarso: Mental Flexibility

High Ili-ahi Energy, digital PDF by Hari Winarso: Stimulate mental flexibility, especially for rigid inflexible personality, amplify healing modality



Note there is a prerequisite to receiving this system.  You must have received the original Ili-ahi Energy system prior, please give your lineage by email.


About Upgraded Energy:


The High Ili-ahi Energy:  High Iliahi - This is an upgrade to the original system and this upgraded energy unfolds 108x's greater than the original.


Ili-ahi (Iliahi) is a name of flower in Hawaiian term with popular name "Sandalwood".

Ili-ahi or Freycinet sandalwood, is a species of flowering tree in the European mistletoe family, Santalaceae, that is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Its binomial name commemorates Henri Louis Claude de Saulces de Freycinet, a 19th century French explorer.Ili-ahi inhabits dry, coastal mesic, mixed mesic, and wet forests on O'ahu, Kaua'i, Maui, and Moloka'i at elevations of 250–950 metres (820–3,120 ft). It grows in areas that receive 500–3,800 millimetres (20–150 in) of annual rainfall. Like other members of its genus, iliahi is a root hemi-parasite, deriving some of its nutrients from the host plant; common hosts include koa (Acacia koa), koai'a (Acacia koaia), and 'a'ali'i (Dodonaea viscosa).


About the High Ili-ahi Energy,  stimulates mental and emotional flexibility. Also amplifies effect of other energy healing modalities. For those with rigid, inflexible ways that lead to escalating levels of stress, and difficulty in relaxing at night. This energy promotes enthusiasm, motivation, positivity, and determination, it also promotes beautiful thoughts and inspiration and brings the power to turn inspirational ideas into reality.


Included is the English / English Translation digital PDF sent electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement service.

High Ili-ahi Energy, digital PDF by Hari Winarso: Mental Flexibility

  • he buy one get one free and glad gifts are available ONLY to eligible members who are clients and students. Gift must be 1 selection of equal or lesser value and eligible as a buy one get one offering. Teachers, Healing Professionals, Energy Therapists, Coaches Energy Session Providers, Facebook/Etsy or Sellers are not eligible for gifts and may purchase as a stand alone system purchase.


    NOTE: At checkout student members when prompted, please list your gift selection. All other members list "does not apply".

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