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Tourmaline Higher Force Attunement: Resolve Emotional Abuse Trauma

2019, Tourmaline Higher Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: Chakra Alliance & Congruenty, Resolve Trauma of Emotional Abuse and Sadness,

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Master Hari Winarso courses since 2010. We received energies purely, with integrity, and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari and we deliver to you via Eternal Sacred Source.

28 February 2019

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Our friend Master Hari brought forth Tourmaline Higher Force for balancing both sides of the brain. It brings chakra alliance and congruenty, aligns all aspects of physical and spiritual self. Tourmaline Higher Force helps to stimulates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras and kindles spiritual awareness and improves the ability of self-expression. Tourmaline Higher Force also helps to resolve traumas from emotional abuse, sadness and childhood upsets. Tourmaline Higher Force helps in conquering insomnia and nightmares. It may also benefit eye disorders and has an effective energy for assisting with the quicker ending of the headaches and migraines.

Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

Tourmaline Higher Force Attunement: Resolve Emotional Abuse Trauma



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