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Magickal Darkness Remover Attunement:  Dark-Force Remover Assistance

2019 Magickal Darkness Remover, digital pdf: Clear Mind of Negative Thoughts, Help Dissolve Emotional Blockages, Remove Malicious Intention of Others


29 January 2019

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Hari Winarso courses since 2010. Energies are received purely, with integrity and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari.




Master Hari's Magickal Darkness Remover is designed to eliminate dark forces within yourself and your surroundings, clearing negative energy, thoughts, spirits, and intentions. This method also dissolves emotional blockages, clears the mind, and may alleviate nightmares and sleep disturbances, as stated in Hari's manual. Through this attunement, you'll experience newfound freedom and happiness, imbuing you with a fresh spirit to confront life's challenges with ease



Includes the English digital emanual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life

Magickal Darkness Remover Attunement: Dark-Force Remover Assistance

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    The buy one get one free and glad gifts are available ONLY to eligible current year only registered online members who are clients and students. Gift must be 1 selection, 1 level of equal or lesser value and eligible as a buy one get one offering. Teachers, Healing Professionals, Energy Therapists, Coaches Energy Session Providers, Facebook/Etsy or Sellers are not eligible for gifts and may purchase as a stand alone system purchase.  




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