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Christ Higher Force Attunement: Be a Spiritual Healer, Destiny

2019, Christ Higher Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: recognize your true destiny as a spiritual being, awaken spiritual healer hidden potentials


25 February 2019

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1



Christ Higher Force writes Master Hari may bring perfection to your affection, and strengthen the faith to act based on righteousness. Christ Higher Force will guides you to recognize your true destiny as a spiritual being and also awaken your hidden potentials as a spiritual healer, so you will become a blessing for others, you will become a light in the darkness.Our friend Master Hari writes that Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can use his Christ Higher Force  stimulates the Christ consciousness within yourself and helps bring your true spirituality into everyday life in a grounded and real way. It is extremely helpful in reaching a higher state of mind to overcome any problems in this life. We found it grounds and protects your soul on many levels.  Master Hari writes it helps in keeping out negativity and undesirable entities. It helps to heightens and strengthens the your intuition.

Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

Christ Higher Force Attunement: Be a Spiritual Healer, Destiny

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