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Mystical Christ Soul Illumination Attunement: For Spiritual Healers

Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you ready to awaken more hidden potentials as a spiritual healer?  This Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community heals the soul, and provide peace and enlightenment and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community by illuminating your soul, you bring light to guide you to achieve a much better life and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community help you to find a strong personal motivation to achieves the best qualities of your physical and spiritual life.www.cosmicgoddessempowerments.comContent protected and cut and paste web tracked by


Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life chi ball / chi ball

Mystical Christ Soul Illumination Attunement: For Spiritual Healers


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