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Super Body Detoxification: Toxin Removal, Detox, Wellness


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. #DetoxYourBody #HolisticWellness #ToxinFreeLiving #HealthyLifestyle


Founder Maha Kamaleksana


About: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, our bodies ACCUMULATE TOXINS from the environment, food, thoughts, and medical interventions, leaving us WEAK AND UNBALANCED. Super Body Detoxification offers Cosmic Goddess THE CHARGE OF YOUR CELLS. It is NEUTRALIZING the positive or negative charge of your body cells.Its benefits are enhanced by adopting SUPPORTIVE LIFESTYLE CHANGES. Empowerments Community provides an effective energetic way to help MAINTAIN ENERGY and LONG-TERM WELLNESS AND helps ELIMINATE TOXINS without triggering a healing crisis.Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, the process ABSORBS HARMFUL SUBSTANCES, neutralizes CELLULAR IMBALANCES, and may alleviate PAIN AND SYMPTOMS from lifelong TOXIC BUILDUP. Super Body Detox helps Cosmic Goddess Community to absorb A MULTITUDE OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES throughout the body and then


With purchase you'll receive 1 distant attunement by chi ball and the original digital translation e-manual sent electronically

Super Body Detoxification: Toxin Removal, Detox, Wellness


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