Founder Hari Winarso
Levels 1
Mantra No
Symbol Yes
To Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students the Mystical Force of Purba is an excellent energetic tool to use for the elimination of bad ass spirits of many forms. Padmasambhava utilized the Purba to sanctify the ground during the establishment of the Samye monastery in the 8th century Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and can use it for santification, spirit elimination, any manifestion of darkness.
To Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Mystical Force of Phurba is also potent and efficacious in purifying your soul from various negativities, healing it from the repercussions of vows, curses, emotional entanglements, and more you will find in the manual in Master Hari's words.
Included with your purchase is the original English digital e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life method. Registered on-line student members, may select a bogo of equal or lesser value.
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