Energy Increase to problem solve, and allows you to solve the next level of problems and more!
27 February 2018Founder Hari Winarso
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members have used this for years to help stimulate and increase intelligence they say they activate whenever they try to solve a problem to more completely understand any problem that may present itself & come in your life.
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Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service
Intelligence Stimulator Attunement: Cognition, Problem Solve
The buy one get one free and glad gifts are available ONLY to eligible members who are clients and students. Gift must be 1 selection of equal or lesser value and also be eligible as a buy one get one offering (not all are BOGO available). Teachers, Healing Professionals, Energy Therapists, Coaches Energy Session Providers, Facebook/Etsy or Sellers etc. are not eligible for gifts and may purchase as a standalone system purchase.
NOTE: At checkout student members when prompted, please list your gift selection. All other members list "does not apply".