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2019, Mystical Owl Higher Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso

2019, Mystical Owl Higher Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: Protection from bad luck, misfortune, bad vibes, negativity from within yourself & MORE

Accredited Reseller Since 2010:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Master Hari Winarso courses since 2010 with accredited reseller privileges. We received energies purely, with integrity, and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari and we deliver to you via Eternal Sacred Source.

18 April 2019

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Our friend Master Hari writes that Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can use his Mystical Owl Higher Force to protect you from bad luck, misfortune, and any forms of bad vibes that not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can harm you in a very real sense. It protects you from negativity within yourself, such as negative thinking, anger, criticism, fear, and any other forms of self-negativity.

Mystical Owl Higher Force helps you to decrease negativity by transforming negative energy into positive energy, and within mind replaces negative thinking, negative attitudes and habits to become positive, It is useful to remove mental overload and increases the mental awareness


Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

2019, Mystical Owl Higher Force, digital pdf by Hari Winarso


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