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2020, Life Force Booster, digital PDF: Maximize Stamina & Vitality

2020, Life Force Booster, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: Boost body's ability to absorb life force to peak level for healing and optimise immune system, even physical stamina.


4 January 2020

Founder Master Hari Winarso



Life Force Booster was channeled to boost your body's ability in absorbing the life force to the peak level, so your body can absorb a massive amount of life force energy and then distribute it to the whole of your body. Life Force Booster will also stimulate and boost your self healing mechanism and optimize your immune system.


Life Force Booster can maximize your physical energy, stamina and vitality. And assist you to achieve a peak condition of your physical body because of the life force boost.

Life Force Booster has simple activation procedure for self and for activating for others, also. No symbol. The energy will run and work by itself after activation.


Included with purchase, the original digital English translation PDF manual sent electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement

2020, Life Force Booster, digital PDF: Maximize Stamina & Vitality

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