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Magickal Dewandaru Essence Attunement: Stabilize Life & Finances


Accredited Reseller Since 2010:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Master Hari Winarso courses since 2010. We received energies purely, with integrity, and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari and we deliver to you via Eternal Sacred Source.


Levels 1


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments dear friend Master Hari Winarso writes in his manual he brought forth this modality Magickal Dewandaru Essence to help you to attract abundance from all directions. It helps you to progress financially, assist in promoting business and increases in your sales.


Master Hari continues by writing Magickal Dewandaru Essence may also help to stabilize your life and stimulates your inner strength, particularly when faced in extreme conditions. Application of the essence to the physical body provides protection during metaphysical activities, this essence guards against mental influence or psychic attack and more. Content protected and cut and paste web tracked by

Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

Magickal Dewandaru Essence Attunement: Stabilize Life & Finances


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