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Magickal Sanjeevani Essence, digital pdf by Hari Winarso:  Increase Healing Abil

Magickal Sanjeevani Essence, digital e-manual: Increase healing ability to help heal any form of physical & metaphysical disease, heal dark magick



22 October 2017

Founder Hari Winarso

Mudra / Mantra: Yes




Hari writes in his manual that Sanjeevani is a magical herb which is said to have the power to cure any malady.


Magickal Sanjeevani Essence activates the healing ability and brings you a high force of multidimensional healing. It was channeled to help you to heal any form of physical and metaphysical disease, heal and remove any black magick attacks.


This Magickal Essence helps to decrease negativities by transforming negative energy into positive and assists you to replace negative thinking, negative attitudes and habits to become positive. Listing is Internet tracked and protected and we have royalty rights for picture, which is also tracked.



Digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service

Magickal Sanjeevani Essence, digital pdf by Hari Winarso: Increase Healing Abil


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